Attendance Leave & Absence

Attendance Requirement: Students must maintain a minimum of 75% attendance in each term to be eligible to sit for examinations and participate in school activities.

Punctuality: Students are expected to be punctual and present for all scheduled classes, assemblies, and school events.

Reporting Absences: Parents or guardians must inform the school of a student’s absence by 9:00 AM on the day of absence, providing a valid reason.

Leave Application: For planned absences, such as medical appointments or family events, a leave application must be submitted in advance. The application should be signed by a parent or guardian and approved by the class teacher or principal.

Medical Leave: In case of illness, a medical certificate must be submitted along with the leave application if the student is absent for more than three consecutive days.

Extended Leave: For any leave extending beyond one week, prior approval from the principal is required. This includes vacations and other long-term absences.

Late Arrival: Students arriving late to school must report to the school office to obtain a late slip before proceeding to class. Repeated late arrivals will be addressed according to the school's disciplinary policy.

Early Dismissal: If a student needs to leave school early, a written request from the parent or guardian is required. The student must be picked up by an authorized person.

Unexplained Absences: Unexplained or unauthorized absences will be investigated, and parents will be notified. Continued absenteeism without a valid reason may result in disciplinary action.

Attendance Records: Attendance records are maintained for each student and are regularly reviewed by the school administration. These records are also shared with parents during parent-teacher meetings.

Reintegration: Students returning to school after an absence must ensure they catch up on missed work and assignments. Teachers will provide necessary support to help reintegrate the student into the class.